Register a charity with Charity Commission


If your organization has a charitable purpose, is based in England or Wales, has  an annual income of £5,000 or more, and, is either a trust, company or unincorporated organisation then you must apply to register as a charity with the Charity Commission.

If your organization’s income is below the £5000 threshold, the Charity Commission will not register you unless we set up a charitable incorporated organisation. Under changes brought in by the Charities Act 2006, small charities  (set up as companies, trusts or unincorporated) will eventually have the right to register as a charity voluntarily. This right has not yet come into force. The Charity Commission recognizes that some small charities may have a particular need to be registered charities, so in the meantime, they will consider requests from these charities on a case by case basis.

If your organisation does not have an income over £5000 but you wish to register as a charity forthwith and obtain a charity number, then RG Solicitors can set up a charitable incorporated organisation which is like a limited company but is registered with the Charity Commission and not Companies House.


If you are running a non-profitable organisation in UK and want to register it as a charity, Our solicitors can guide you with the structure, aim and objectives and application for registration with Charity Commission.


Contact us on 02080951214 or send us and email on to book an appointment for charity registration.